Yrke Dansare - en bok av landslagscoach Ferhat Duz & Emelie Olofsson (Hegas)

Läs intervjun med Ferhat, som ger oss en bild av hans bakgrund, det brinnande intresset för dansen, som beskriver dansens många yrkesformer och syftet med boken. Boken riktar sig till åldersgruppen 6-12 år.

I started dancing when I was 13 years old, when I saw a commercial on TV, with a breakdancer. Today I’m a professional freelance dancer and Inter.Lic sport coach and  I'm the National Coach för Team Sweden Breaking. I also visit schools and youth centers with some of my friends, in Sweden and Denmark, through a professional dance company and spreading hip-hop culture to children and young people.

Before I became a freelancer, I was a PT and physical education teacher in schools.

About the book:
First of all, the content and style of the book was previously thought by Emelie Olofsson (Hegas) and after a nice interview with me, the book is complete and I’m happy to being a part of this journey.

Children have so much stronger emotions than adults. There are lots of dreams, they want to learn, they want to try, they want to move forward. They want to understand and get inspiration very quickly.

The type of Breaking I describe is easy to understand and get inspired of. I inform about the benefit of dance. Also some experienced teachers evaluated other types of dance styles.

I try to express that dancing is interesting and cool, both as a job and as a hobby. Many kids and youth think that dancing is only a hobby and that´s there is no future of dance. I try to show that anyone can be an artist and start their carrier as a dancer. 

We create our own style, skills and personality when we dance and this makes us an artist. It doesn’t matter if we dance as a theater artist, competitor or work as a choreographer or dance for the fun of it, as a hobbie - one thing is clear, while dancing, we exhibit something without being bound to a rule, and this makes us free in what we do.

Since every individual has his own character and style, everything created and exhibited becomes original. In a way, you become yourself and you feel different, you naturally gain self-confidence. and that feeling is invaluable. I hope they will enter this exciting life and join us.

This book is a way of reaching out to a larger audience - just like I saw the breakdancer on TV as a teenager. I think this educational book will surely direct someones life in some way!

Sandra Svanberg 23-02-15